Leading The Sale With Cybersecurity First....

LIVE WEBINAR: How to Implement a True Zero Trust Approach in an 
Era of Increased Cyber Risk

It is now more important than ever to ensure that you and your clients are being proactive about cybersecurity. Register for our live webinar to learn what you need to implement in your cybersecurity approach during an era of increase cybersecurity risk.
Reserve your spot today by filling out the registration form below to be entered to win a $50 Amazon gift card.
Live Webinar
Join The Experts
Chris Wiser and Danny Jenkins will discuss what your MSP should be adding to your stack in an era of increase cybersecurity risk. In addition, during the webinar you will:
  • Learn how your MSP can leverage cybersecurity risks to add more monthly revenue.
  • Discuss effective methods, including True Zero Trust Approach, to reducing cybersecurity risks for your clients.
  • Discuss why cybersecurity awareness is key to increasing MRR!
  • and much more!

October 21st @ 1:00 PM CST

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Be sure to reserve your spot by clicking on the button below and filling out the registration form.
Stay tuned during the webinar for another LIVE giveaway that will be announced By ThreatLocker during the webinar!
Register today and get 7 Days of FREE Marketing Tips!

Your Guest Speakers...

Chris Wiser

CEO, Former MSP Business Owner, and Sales & Marketing Expert



October 21st @ 1:00 PM CST

Copyright @ The Wiser Agency - All Rights Reserved